3 Subscriptions to Help you be Positive about the Future of our Planet

It's Earth Day.
I want to instil some optimism around nature and our planet. I have been listening to lots of campaigners, and I can tell you, they are mostly optimistic that we can turn things around.
Because positivity is what will drive change.
Young people are struggling with anxiety around climate change and those are NOT empowering feelings.
More and more people, businesses and governments are choosing the consider their environment in their decision-making processes.
I believe this is a wave that is going to keep gaining momentum.
So let's look at positive news, positive ways, and positive people - focus on wins, build each other up, especially the younger generations, and trust that we can all make a difference together. (and go vote)
If you want to bring some positivity in, I recommend these 3 positive subscriptions:
1. The Happy Newspaper (my kids love this too) Their Instagram: @thehappynewspaper
2. Positive News UK @positivenewsuk
3. Ethical Consumer Magazine (make empowered choices for £29 per year) @ethical_consumer_magazine
(None of these links are sponsored, these are publications I read and recommend.)
We should feel proud of being conscious about our choices and not beat ourselves or each other up about the areas we can still improve in, as long as we keep openminded and optimistic. We can support each other to improve in a positive way. That includes setting expectations from the brands we buy from and the governments we fund.