April 2022 - Dates for your calendar

Spring is in the air! Let all the hunting this month be for eggs, not dates - we have rounded up all important and non-important April 2022 calendar dates for you below.
If you run a business, use these to generate social media content or for your marketing calendar. Or - just remember to make a note in your calendar to appreciate your plants on April 13th and make time for tea on the 21st.
If you think we missed any, head over to Instagram and let us know in the comments.
1st - April fool's day/International fun at work day
2nd - Start of Ramadan(date varies)/Autism awareness day
3d - Find a rainbow day
7th - World health day
9th - Unicorn day
10th - Siblings day
11th - National pet day
13th - National plant appreciation day
15th - Good Friday / World art day
16th - World circus day / Full (pink) moon
17th - Easter Sunday
18th - Easter Monday
19th - Bicycle day
20th - Sun enters Taurus
21st - National tea day
22nd - Earth day
23d - St George's day / National Shakespeare day
25th - Penguin Day
27th - Tell a story day
30th - International jazz day