April 2024 - Dates for your Calendars

Here's your monthly guide to the April's important (and not so important) dates:
🧡 This month is:
National Garden Month
Stress Awareness Month
National Pet Month
World Autism Month
1st - Easter Monday, April Fools Day
2nd - World Autism Awareness Day
3rd - World Party Day
5th - Walk to Work Day
6th - UK Tax Year Begins
7th - World Health Day
8th - Partial Solar Eclipse (UK)
9th - Ramadan Ends, Eid al-Fitr, Unicorn Day
10th - National Siblings Day (UK & US)
11th - World Parkinson's Day, National Pet Day (UK & US)
14th - National Gardening Day (US)
15th - World Art Day, USA Tax Day
18th - Get to know your customers day
21st - National Tea Day (UK), Late Queen Elizabeth II’s Birthday
22nd - Earth Day
23rd - St George’s Day (England), National Picnic Day (UK & US)
25th - World Malaria Day
27th - World Design Day
28th - National Superhero Day (UK & US)
29th - International Dance Day
30th - Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
Did we miss any? Head over to Instagram and let us know in the comments!
N.B. we try our best to make sure these are complete and accurate - but we're only human, so please double check any important dates.