January 2025 - Dates for your Calendars

Let’s take a look at what’s coming up this month.
Here are the January dates to add to your calendar.
Use these key dates to guide your marketing calendar, plan your social media content, or organise holiday celebrations - we hope they help you start the year strong.

This Month Is:
★ Veganuary
★ Dry January
★ Get Organised Month
★ International Creativity Month

Key Dates This Month:
New Year's Day | 1st Jan
New Year Holiday (Scotland) | 2nd Jan
Twelfth Night | 5th Jan
Blue Monday | 20th Jan
Burns Night (Scotland) | 25th January
Chinese New Year | 29th January
1st - New Year's Day, National Bloody Mary Day (UK)
2nd - New Year Holiday (Scotland)
4th - World Braille Day, World Spaghetti Day
5th - Twelfth Night
6th - Epiphany, Golden Globe Awards
7th - Orthodox Christmas, National Tempura Day (US)
8th - National Bubble Bath Day (US)
11th - International Thank You Day
12th - National Pharmacist Day (US)
13th - National Sticker Day (US), National Gluten-Free Day (US)
14th - World Logic Day, Mahayana New Year
15th - National Hat Day (US)
16th - National Nothing Day (US)
17th - Ditch New Year's, Resolution Day
19th - World Religion Day, World Snow Day
20th - Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Birth of Martin Luther King Jr (US), Inauguration Day (US) & Blue Monday
21st - National Squirrel Appreciation Day (UK & US)
23rd - National Pie Day (US)
24th - National Compliment Day (US), National Peanut Butter Day (UK & US)
25th - Burns Night (Scotland), St. Dwynwen's Day (Wales)
26th - Australia Day (Aus)
27th - International Holocaust Memorial Day
28th - National Lego Day (UK)
29th - Chinese New Year, National Puzzle Day (UK & US)
30th - National Croissant Day (US)
31st - National Hot Chocolate Day (US)
Did we miss any? Head over to Instagram and let us know in the comments!
* Please note - please be sure to double check we have published the dates correctly, as dates may change after publishing, and we are only human so can make mistakes!