June 2022 - Dates for your calendar

It's June people. I know, i know, I don't know how we're here already either, but looking forward to some summer sunshine and a long weekend for sure!
We have collected all the dates and holidays you may - or may not - wish to put in your calendar for June 2022.
If you make social media content or run a small business, these can be really helpful for filling out that June content calendar.
And definitely don't forget to bring your dog to work on the 24th (if it's safe and legal!).
1st - Start of Pride Month /Global Day of Parents / Start of Men's Health Month
2nd - Spring Bank Holiday
3rd - Platinum Jubilee bank holiday, National Donut Day
5th - World Environment Day, National Cancer Survivors Day
6th - Higher Education Day
8th - World Oceans Day / Best Friends Day
12th - International Children’s Day
14th - World Blood Donor Day, Flag day (US)
19th - Father's Day, Juneteenth (Freedom Day)
21st - Summer Solstice / Sun enters Cancer / International yoga day / National Selfie Day / World Music Day
24th - Take Your Dog to Work Day
27th - National Sunglasses Day
30th - Social Media Day / National Handshake Day