Team Good Tuesday's Favourite Focus Playlists

Are you a work-in-silence type, or do you need tunes to power through your to-do list? We usually play Radio Meuh in the studio, which has mainly instrumental beats and no talking - and many of us often plug in headphones to go off into our own worlds for part of the day.
We asked some of the team to share their go-to focus/work playlists - these are all Spotify playlists.
Karen: Binaural Beats: Focus ~ A super zen vibe, this playlist reads: “Enhance your concentration by traveling through different brainwave frequencies until you reach peak awareness in Gamma state.”
Rhiannon: Lofi Girl - beats to relax/study to ~ “A daily selection of chill beats - perfect to help you relax & study”
Lizzie: Metal Essentials (jokes) | Happy Folk ~ upbeat and cheerful vibes (maybe this is why Lizzie is always so upbeat!)
Ben: Feel Good Indie Rock ~ Ben is busy in the warehouse - and this playlist packed with energetic tunes - helping him get your orders out the door in a beat (see what I did there?)
Michele: The Good Tuesday Studio Playlist - we made this ages ago and still a strong list - full of chill, soul, lots of instrumental - with over 6 hrs of listening. Morning Coffee Soul is another one of my go-to’s. Always gets me in a good mood.