"The Juggle Is Real" Q&A - with Rosie Davies-Smith

This Mother’s Day, we’re highlighting some inspiring mothers and asking them how they have approached parenting and their working life. The highs and the lows of motherhood - and some learnings they can share from the journey (so far).
Tell us a little about yourself—who you are, what you do, and who makes up your family.
Hello, I’m Rosie 👋🏻. Mum, wife and founder. My husband Nick and our two girls Sloane (5) and Isla (4) live in South Devon, close to the sea. During Covid, we left London after living there for 10 years to live nearer the things we love in life - sailing, swimming, beaching.
I am the founder of PR software company, PR Dispatch. We support fantastic eCommerce brands, like Good Tuesday, secure press coverage without the hefty PR agency price tag. Previously, I ran a PR agency for over a decade and have worked with independent eCommerce brands since day one of my career. I absolutely love that we support them in being seen by more people through press coverage. Some of my closest friends started as clients. I think it’s important to show our girls that if you do something you love in life, you will be successful.
What’s the biggest challenge you face as a working mum?
My husband is COO of a tech company and is in London every other week. I have more flexibility so stay in Devon with the girls when he goes away. I find these weeks challenging (especially in the colder months). I have about 5 hours daily to work whilst the girls are at school but after the drop-off, pick up, swimming lessons, dinner, bedtime etc, I often feel like I’m burning the candle at all ends running here, there and everywhere.
Us both being so career driven is great, but comes with challenges, especially since we relocated to Devon. We sacrificed family nearby for life by the sea and although we’d make the same decision again given the chance, having family round the corner would be hugely helpful.
What’s one small routine or habit that helps you stay organised (or sane)?
‘Write it down’. My memory can hold an insane amount of information including times, dates and locations of appointments, work meetings, kids parties, housework list, DIY lists - there isn’t much I forget. And although this is a great skill to possess, it led to memory overload when the girls were little and contributed to the chronic insomnia I was suffering from at the time.
Although I can hold information, I try not to and now ‘Write it down’. We have a family calendar up in the kitchen with all the parties, work trips etc for that month and also a weekly white board on the fridge. I have a notepad by my desk, bed and anywhere else I regularly sit. Nick and I have shared Apple notes for shopping lists and household jobs that need doing. Just clearing my mind of this information has been a gamechanger for productivity and day to day life.
What’s a recent “mum win” you’re proud of?
I recently went away for a 3 day solo trip. Before kids I used to take myself away at least once a year to gain clarity around business decisions and take time away from the day to day to re-focus. I hadn’t been away since 2021 for a solo work trip so in January, I realised it was time to change that. I booked a last minute 3 night getaway to Watergate Bay in Cornwall.
I got up early every day to use the gym and swim, worked on mindfulness, found time to read and obviously worked on development plans for the business. I came back as a different person. Completely refreshed and a better parent. I’ve promised myself that I will find time once a year to give myself a break like this.
What advice would you give to other (working) mums feeling overwhelmed?
Take time (even if it’s just 5 minutes) to do something for you each day that isn’t related to the kids or work. I always felt so guilty I wasn’t working or looking after the kids so I have had to make a conscious effort to carve out time and an activity that is just for me. I’m learning Portuguese and piano. I’ve been trying to spend a little more time on a skin care routine. I take some time to meditate each day. Just these small activities have reminded me that I do have other hobbies and interests outside of being a ‘working mum’.