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Free PDF Download - Christmas Gift & Card Planner

Free PDF Download - Christmas Gift & Card Planner

Have a super organised Christmas with these simple PDF printable Christmas card and gift planners.‌

If you’re anything like me, you have the best intentions every year to send some lovely Christmas Cards, and always leave it too late?

The same story with getting organised for giving gifts - I have learnt over the years that the last minute rush, is NO FUN. Especially frantic wrapping on Christmas Eve - takes the fun out of it.

‌So to help myself (and you) to be as organised as possible this year, I have designed these printable Christmas Planners.

‌There are 3 simple pages - one Christmas Gift planner, where you can add the budget and actual spend (we all know how easy it is to let spending get out of hand this time of year), a card planner and a wishlist.

‌You’ll get a PDF Download of 3 simple printable planners:‌

  1. Printable Christmas Gift Planner (with budget plan)
  2. Printable Christmas Card Planner
  3. Printable Christmas Wishlists

You can never start planning for gifts early enough - in fact, I keep a list of ideas all year round, as people mention things they’d like in their life, I make a quick note - it’s very helpful for when Christmas comes around and life is so busy already.

How to get your Free Christmas Gift and Card Planners‌...

Just click here and you will be able to download them straight away and print them immediately. You will also be sent an email with the PDF downloads in case you want to print them at a later time.

We’ll release another Christmas printable soon, which will include more planning tools for the holiday itself.

‌In the meantime, download your Christmas Planners here.