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"The Juggle Is Real" Q&A - with Helen Forristal

"The Juggle Is Real" Q&A - with Helen Forristal

This Mother’s Day, we’re highlighting some inspiring mothers and asking them how they have approached parenting and their working life. The highs and the lows of motherhood - and some learnings they can share from the journey (so far).


Tell us a little about yourself—who you are, what you do, and who makes up your family.

Hey, I'm Helen the buyer here at Good Tuesday. Our family set up is myself, my husband Martin, our daughter Bryony and our gentle giant pooch Gizmo. We love spending time together (mostly outside) you will find us most weekends exploring a section of our beautiful coastline.


What’s the biggest challenge you face as a (soon-to-be) working mum?

As much as I know its good for me to have my own time and space, I miss my daughter when I am not with her and I know that the biggest challenge will be balancing our time together, work and all the other bits that come with mum life and hopefully finding a bit of time for myself.


What’s one small routine or habit that helps you stay organised (or sane)?

Meal Planning! If I plan our meals it helps me write a shopping list which keeps shopping trips as swift as possible with Bryony in tow. Sometimes our turn arounds for lunch and dinner are really quick so knowing what we are eating ahead of time takes one decision to make out of my head mid week, and keeps the hangry 1 year old at bay.


What’s a recent “mum win” you’re proud of?

Maybe this sounds silly but it took me ages to pluck up the courage to take our dog (35kilos of dog) and Bryony out for a walk together. I have recently mastered this and it means that Martin doesn't need to walk our dog when he gets back from work now and gives us more time together in the evening. Is that more of a wife win???? A family all round win maybe??


What advice would you give to other (working) mums feeling overwhelmed?

Take some time for yourself when you can. I head to the allotment for an hour and it gives me the headspace I need sometimes.