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"The Juggle Is Real" Q&A - with Roo Cross

"The Juggle Is Real" Q&A - with Roo Cross

This Mother’s Day, we’re highlighting some inspiring mothers and asking them how they have approached parenting and their working life. The highs and the lows of motherhood - and some learnings they can share from the journey (so far).


Tell us a little about yourself—who you are, what you do, and who makes up your family.

My name is Roo Cross, I run Roo's Beach, a fashion and lifestyle Independent retail store and online business based in Porth, Cornwall.  I launched the business 13 years ago when my kids were 15, 13 and 9 - I have a son called Archie, and daughters Molly and Betsy and a wonderful , long suffering husband  - Ian.

What’s the biggest challenge you face(d) as a working mum?

 It's so easy to become 100% absorbed with work, however Ian has always had his own business and he made me stop working in the evenings, I rarely work evenings or weekends if I'm not on the shop floor.  The guilt of not being able to be there for all the kids activities, collecting them from school and the overall guilt is the worse thing, however I have a fantastic relationship with the kids and I think it's good for them to have to learn to be independent and to do things for themselves, it's healthy and the majority of parents are working.  You need to develop trust and try to let go and not over parent them!!

What’s one small routine or habit that helps you stay organised (or sane)?

I'm not a particularly organised person however I have a page per day hard back diary which is my whole world - I write a new list everyday and try to highlight things as I've completed them or I move them onto a new day and a new list! I can't work digitally I need to physically write things down and visually see them - I'm a very visual person.


What’s a recent “mum win” you’re proud of?

I've just spent a few days in London buying and stayed at my daughter's flat, it's such a pleasure that we're good friends and to see her really looking after me like I looked after her was such a special moment for me.  I love that the kids are all such good friends and we genuinely have such a great time when we're all together, I love that we share a similar style and outlook on life and how easy it is all to be in each others company - this feels like the greatest achievement ever!


As someone who has been there, got the t-shirt - What advice would you give to other working mums feeling overwhelmed?

Don't let the guilt creep in, it's good for kids to do things for themselves, they'll be proud of you for being a working Mum and for being a role model for them.  Try not to compare yourself with others, I remember the best advice I ever got was to 'pick your battles' - let the small things slide and just try to focus on the things that actually do matter and stick to your gut feeling, don't be afraid to make a stand on something if you really believe in it.  Also life's just not fair and that's a good lesson for kids to learn!!